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Perfect Paragraph

Intro paragraph of results section of the methods project

Submitted by oringham on Thu, 03/01/2018 - 12:39

Both figures differed across several aspects, despite attempting to control for factors to limit discrepancies. Both figures differed with respect to the particular flower that was captured photographically, as well the angle at which these blooms were captured. The angle at which the tree was captured also varied slightly. Additionally, the countries in which C. haematocephala are indigenous were labeled differently on the map portion of the figure, as well as font style of the figure labels.


Week 6 Abstract PP

Submitted by jngomez on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 22:55

In any kind of experiment carried out an important aspect is the methods section. This impact whether your results are valid and can be carried out by other colleagues. For this experiment two photos of the plant species, Euphorbia pulcherrima euphorbiaceae were obtained. This plant is situated in one of the multiple Morrill Greenhouses in the University of Massachusetts, Amherst campus. A multi-panel figure was created to illustrate the plant species.  One of the photos taken was a close-up of the species while the other was a photograph of the plant species as a whole. A world map with the countries Mexico and Guatemala colored in was included as well. This depicted where the plant was indigenous to. Methods produced at the end exemplified how the multi-panel figure was composed and how the photos were obtained. It was then shared with another individual and at the end both resulting multi-panels were compared. Differences were seen in the resolutions of each photo and as well as scaling. The differences were evident and explained. 

Abstract PP

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 21:55

    I obtained two photos of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae, commonly known as the “Snow Queen,” from the Morrill Greenhouses at 12-1 pm (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). The first photo I obtained was a detailed close up of the flower, while the second photo was a photo that included detail of the plant as a whole. I also created a map that showed the flower originated in East Asia (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - L).  I created one multi paneled figure with the two photos and the map I created.  I then gave my methods to a classmate to obtain similar photos that I had taken, and for them to create their own multi paneled figure by following what I had did. The results showed that the figure produced by my classmate was different than the figure I had produced. The panel produced by my classmate was structured different as Figure 2A was the close up photo and Figure 2B was the full plant, while Figure 1A was the full plant and Figure 1B was the close up. Figure 2C highlighted two more countries than Figure 1C. The photos in Figure 2 were taken at different angles than Figure 1. Figure 1 had more spaces in between the photos than Figure 2. Factors that lead to the differences between the figures were: different programs to put the separate photos together, photographed a different flower of the same species,  and picking the layouts based on the person’s preference.

Intro PP

Submitted by mglater on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 12:08

This project was assigned as part of the Spring 2018 Semester of the Writing in Biology course at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The purpose of this project is to provide a chance to practice preparing part of a scientific paper. The assignment was to take a photograph of a flowering plant on campus and create a scientific figure using the photograph. The processes of taking the photographs and creating the figure were to be written out as a set of methods for another student to follow in order to recreate the figure.

In scientific writing, there are divisions that nearly every paper includes. One of these divisions is a methods section. This section allows the reader to understand the steps followed by the researcher, and if desired, to recreate the experiment. Allowing the reader to see how the research was done not only helps the reader understand the experiment, but also makes the data more trustworthy. Being able to write a coherent methods section is an important skill to have for an aspiring biologist.


GPCR introduction

Submitted by jonathanrubi on Tue, 02/27/2018 - 18:47

G-protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRs, are the common mode of receptor singling via GTP binding proteins and thus play a key role in the mediation of a wide variety of different physiological signals. The polypeptide chain that makes up GPCRs passes through the plasma membrane of the cell seven times and can also be called 7-tm receptors. Due to their importance in the signaling of changes in the concentration of hormones, lipids, neurotransmitters, photons and more, determining the mechanism for G-protein-coupled receptors and how it is able to discriminate and regulate these signals were questions of paramount importance to medicine and molecular biology.

Perfect Paragraph Abstract

Submitted by michaelkim on Sun, 02/25/2018 - 20:59

My methods project needs some work. I felt extremely rushed to create the methods for my partner so it wasn't really good for my partner to follow my directions. It was very interesting to see how my partner took my direction and made the legend. Also, because the directions or what I did was not clear, my partner's and my legend were off. I had 4 pictures and my partner had 3 which was the biggest difference. Overall, it was fun to follow the direction and try to create replication of my partner’s without giving the final product until the end. I found it amusing how we chose the same exact plant in the same exact place without discussing about it. Presenting in the class went smooth and it was interesting to see how different and similar everyone's were.

Neural Degradation PP

Submitted by benjaminburk on Sun, 02/25/2018 - 19:25

It is a well known fact that as humans age the cognitive function of their brain degrades. Certain disorders, diseases and other health aspects such as drug abuse or traumatic injuries can cause an increase the speed of degradation. However, the mechanisms responsible for the normal degradation, outside of the injuries, drug abuse or disorders, is still relatively unknown. But a new research study has shown that the decline in function may be a result of astrocyte dysfunction. Astrocytes help with the formation and elimination of synapses in the brain. In the study, done on mice, it was found that the aging resulted in increased reactivity of astrocytes. This up-regulation of reactivity causes the astrocytes to lose their ability to carry out their normal functions and release toxins that destroy neurons. This loss of function change in the astrocytes results in cognitive degradtion and an increased susceptibility to traumatic brain injuries in aging brains. 

Discussion opening paragraph

Submitted by brettconnoll on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 19:38

  The main difference between the two figures which is the addition of panel D in the replicate can be explained by the creator of the replicate not fully reading the methods section. There is no mention of a panel D anywhere in the methods section only three panels a, b, and c were described. If the creator of the replicated figure did not fully read the methods it could also explain some of the other differences that were observed between the two figures. It could also explain why some of the figures were labeled the wrong letter. However, while misinterpretation and not fully reading the methods can explain some differences there were some faults in the methods section itself that lead to the differences in the figures.

Methods Intro

Submitted by nchenda on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 14:24

It is important in science for scientists to reproduce the same results that were obtained by the researcher. The purpose of the Methods Project is to determine how specific and concise someone should be in order for another to obtain the same results as that person did by following their steps. These steps are the methods the person uses in order to get their results. When developing these steps, scientists must be able to identify factors needed to be controlled when doing the experiment. This requires scientists to distinguish between observation and inference. This is so that the experiment is successful and there will be no need to perform it differently multiple times. The reasons for the choosing the selected topic include its location and appearance. The factors considered for creating the methods to facilitate replication of the figure include time, location, photography, and the steps in creating the figure.

Global gas 2 PP

Submitted by sworkman on Fri, 02/23/2018 - 18:11

Human activities have increased the levels of most  greenhouse gases. Nitrous oxide is released through soil cultivation, fossil fuel combustion, nitric acid production and biomass burning. Methane is produced through decomposition of landfill waste, agriculture, and manure from livestock. And carbon dioxide is released from deforestation, land use changes and burning fossil fuels. When these gases are released there is no easy way to reverse the effects; for example, carbon dioxide can take hundreds of thousands of years to dissipate through chemical weathering or rock formation. The main way carbon dioxide leaves the atmosphere is by being absorbed into the oceans which causes many problems. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases and is a huge issue that has huge consequences.


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