Volume and Osmolarity of Blood

Submitted by benjaminburk on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 11:51

Both factors, osmolarity and volume, of blood have lasting effects on the body and the functions that occur throughout. Both factors change independent from each other, but work together to maintain an overall homeostasis within the body. For example if an individual were to work out and drank only water then the overall osmolarity of the blood would decrease due to the increase of water. However the volume will not change because the water lost in sweat would be replaced by the water consumed. The change in the osmolarity would lead to a reduction of vasopressin release and an increase in renin production. The renin production increase would promote the reabsorption of sodium, bringing the osmolarity back to an equilibrium state. This is a prime example of independent pathways that work together within the body in order to maintain homeostasis. 


Submitted by mglater on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 20:11

To determine whether the mutation in a red yeast cell is in Ade1 or Ade2, the knowledge of complementation was used. The idea of complementation is that when two mutant haploid cells mate and produce a diploid, the ability of the diploid to produce functional, non-mutant proteins depends on whether the parent mutations were in the same gene or different genes. If the mutations were in the same gene, the diploid would inherit two dysfunctional alleles, and would therefore also be a mutant phenotype. However, if the mutations were in different genes, then the diploid would have one mutant allele and one functional allele for each of the mutant genes. The functional gene would be able to produce a functional product, and the diploid organism would not show the mutant phenotype. In this experiment, if the mutations of the haploid parents were both in Ade1 or Ade2, the diploid offspring would not have a functional copy of either enzyme, and thus still be red. If one mutation was in Ade1 and the other was in Ade2, the mutations would complement, and the diploid yeast would appear to be wild-type. Through complementation analysis, the unknown mutant gene in a red yeast colony can be determined.


QOTW 1 Reply

Submitted by nchenda on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 19:24

I agree with you that it has a lot of potential for abuse. This is why I'm sort of iffy about genetic modification especially before children are even born. Do parents truly have the right to choose what kind of life their children will live? In today's world, it's such a big thing where people think parents should let their children be what they want to be as long as they're passionate about it. Yet genetic modification goes against this so called "norm." We contradict ourselves so much with basically everything we do yet we want to create more and more contradictions and controversies. It's pretty much stirring the pot when you think about it. We can't even fix our first world problems where so many people are starving and in poverty, yet we want to think about genetic modification? Seriously? 

QOTW 1 Reply

Submitted by nchenda on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 19:24

I agree with you that it has a lot of potential for abuse. This is why I'm sort of iffy about genetic modification especially before children are even born. Do parents truly have the right to choose what kind of life their children will live? In today's world, it's such a big thing where people think parents should let their children be what they want to be as long as they're passionate about it. Yet genetic modification goes against this so called "norm." We contradict ourselves so much with basically everything we do yet we want to create more and more contradictions and controversies. It's pretty much stirring the pot when you think about it. We can't even fix our first world problems where so many people are starving and in poverty, yet we want to think about genetic modification? Seriously? 

bio 383 lab 2 intro 2

Submitted by liamharvey on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 06:33

Using RNAi. We are now able to silence any gene in almost any organism, enabling us to perform reverse genetics to analyze our gene. Sodium azide (NaN3), a chemical commonly used to cause a transition from an AT to a GC was used on our gene. Sodium azide functions in chemical inhibition of DNA repairs, often creating a base substitution. These changes can result in various mutations including silent, missense, nonsense, or frameshift mutations. In the DNA sequence, high impact mutations were targeted in the coding regions, splice sites, and donor sequences.

MIE Reading 3 Body 1

Submitted by oringham on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 22:58

Social determinants play a large role in accessibility of resources that promote health and wellness. These include circumstances such as place of birth and residency, occupation, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender, and disabilities. It has been seen in the past that specific social groups are not provided with the same medical treatment that people belonging to other social groups are provided with. An example of this is homosexuals affected with HIV/AIDS during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s, in which homosexuals were denied medical counsel from majority of doctors due to fear and homophobia. Another example includes black and white segregation, in which people of color were not allowed to achieve the same education, shop at the same stores, and overall were unable to live at a higher standard of living due to civic restrictions, fostering decreased mental and physical health. In developed countries, it is often stigma, fear, discrimination and social segregation and condemnation that lead to inequities in access to healthcare resources.

MIE Reading 3 Intro

Submitted by oringham on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 22:57

Health inequities at the community, city, country and global level have a large impact on the overall wellness and quality of life of all populations – large and small – around the world. These differences in health among certain populations can be caused by a variety social, governmental, and economical factors that put select groups of people at an inherent disadvantage in gaining access to important healthcare and wellness resources. These inequities, although greatly rooted socially and systemically within our society, are avoidable and require extensive and important measures in order to circumvent them. In order enact change and avoid detrimental outcomes from health inequity, we must investigate where these differences in health arise from, from social, scientific and civic perspectives. 

Cyclohexane PP

Submitted by benjaminburk on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 20:09

Cyclohexanol was dehydrated in an effort to synthesize cyclohexene, in this experiment cyclohexene was obtained with a 23.1 % yield. The distillation process and washing procedures as described in the procedure were followed successfully. The gas chromatography and IR results suggest that the product was cyclohexene and extremely pure. This is supported by the fact that the gas chromatography result has only one peak that takes up the entire area on the graph, this means that the substance that the test was performed on was homogenous and pure. The IR graph also proves that the substance is cyclohexene because it contains the respective peaks for the substances that make up cyclohexene and in the correct ratio as well. The potassium permanganate and bromine dichloromethane tests also produced the expected results for both cyclohexane and cyclohexene further supporting the conclusion that the end product was pure cyclohexene.

Off switch of capases

Submitted by benjaminburk on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 20:01

Caspase-3 is a protein invloved in apotosis or programmed cell death. The protein also has a key role in overall cell development when expressed in low levels. A new research study has helped show the balance of the two pathways through biophysical, structural and computational approaches in order to demonstrate the phosphorylation of conserved sites. These results helped provide new insights into allosteric regulaton mechanisms and new opportunities for modulator developement. These new developements will help give more precise information on the cells developement and death cycle. 

Revised impact of research proposal

Submitted by benjaminburk on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 17:49

The results of this experiment will provide important information on the what causes changes in physical attributes of microclimates, specifically bodies of water, in the Amherst area. It will allow the town of Amherst and the University of Massachusetts to identify possible problems with the current environmental protection strategies and produce more proactive policies. It will also provide beneficial practice on how to carry a comparative experiment and produce conclusions based on the similarities and differences that could support or contrast the hypotheses made.


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