morphology of the stellar river otter
When looking at the male stellar river otter it possesses the morphology of a powerful predator. The two long pairs of canines and huge forelimbs make this mammal an intimidating predator. The mane of the stellar river otter can be erected and lowered to accommodate for the situation. When swimming the mane is lowered to make their body more streamline. However, there is evidence suggesting that the mane may be used when P. hydrobyothynus is turning and uses the mane like a sail. When walking around on land P. hydrobothynus keeps its mane erect at all times. P. hydrobothynus is able to erect and lower its mane by contracting and relaxing its arrectorus pilorum muscles. The arrectorus pilorum is the muscle responsible for causing goose bumps in humans. One of the other most distinguishing factors that the male’s skeleton has is its large olecranon process, while this does aid in swimming it is also very common in mammals that specialize in fossorial locomotion.
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