Eggs of Salamanders
Figure 1. Barred Tiger Salamander eggs after only 3 days. The one on the left is dead. June 10th, 2013.
Figure 1. Barred Tiger Salamander eggs after only 3 days. The one on the left is dead. June 10th, 2013.
Figure 1. Parrot Snakes have a diet that consists largely of frogs.
Figure 1. Barred Tiger Salamander Eggs. Barred Tiger Salamanders in early stages of embryonic development. Creative commons licensed by John P. Clare.
Figure 1. Herd of cattle. Male, grass-fed beef cattle in Wisconsin. Creative commons liscenced image by MandaRose
Figure 1. Giraffe Spots. Close-up photograph of brown spots on a giraffe in Taronga Park Zoo. Creative commons licensed image by Robyn Jay
Figure 1 A herd of cattle. 10 Beef cows waiting to be fed.
Creative commons licensed image by MandaRose
Figure 1. Salticus scenicus feeding. The Salticus scenicus, or the Zebra Spider, feeding on its prey. Creative commons licensed image by Tom Houslay
Figure 1. Snake eating a Frog. Snakes are able to unhing their jaws to eat prey that is larger than their heads. Creative common licensed. Image by Brian Gratwicke.
Figure 1. Oxalis Triangularis Development. Comparison of the change in pigmententation during development. Immature speciemens (right) produce green foliage. Mature (left) speciments produce purple leaves. Creative commons licensed image by
Figure 1. The tongue of a giraffe. The giraffe is one of three animals known to have a blue tongue. Creative commons licensed image by Robyn Jay
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