Difference Between Observations and Inferences
- observation: a person is wearing glasses
- inference: that person has poor eyesight
- observation: a person is wearing glasses
- inference: that person has poor eyesight
You can observe that someone is running across campus. An inference would be that they are late to class and running there.
Figure 1. Canis lupus familiaris skull (Dog skull)
Depicted in the image is a labeled skull of a Canis lupus familiaris. It clearly illustrates the carnassial complex. The carnassial complex is a specialized sectorial (cutting) teeth. The upper and lower jaw contain incisors, canine, premolars and molars. In the upper jaw it shows the last upper premolar versus the lower jaw which shows the first lower molar.
Figure 1: A young felis catus of the tabby breed relaxing. (https://flic.kr/p/uwcAuk)
Figure 1. Lion exhibiting hunting behavior. Creative commons licesned image by Catherine Sumner
Figure 1. House Finch perched on a tree branch. Creative commons licensed image by Nicole Beaulac https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicolebeaulac/15071388060/in/
Figure 1. House Finch with berries. Image of living House FInch and berries on branch. Creative commons licensed image by Nicole Beaulac https://www.flickr.com/photos/nicolebeaulac/15071388060/in/
Figure 1. 3 day old embryos of the Barred Tiger Salamander. Creative commons licensed image by John Clare. https://flic.kr/p/eJzAN3
Figure 1. Giraffe with ears turned back. Photograph of head of giraffe with ears turned back. Creative commons licensed image by Robyn Jay https://flic.kr/p/gthW8a
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