Through complementation analysis, unknown mutations within the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) adenine biosynthesis pathway were identified. Studying the ability of unknown mutant colonies to produce successful colonies with known mutants revealed the identity of the unknown mutation as either a mutation in Ade1 or Ade2. Four mutant strains were examined, two strains of the A mating type and two strains of the alpha mating type. The A type yeast produced living colonies when crossed with a known Ade2 mutant as well as the unknown alpha type mutants. The alpha mutants produced living colonies when crossed with a known Ade1 mutant as well as the unknown A type. Using complementation analysis it was determined that both unknown A mutations were in the Ade1 gene and both unknown alpha mutations were in the Ade2 gene.
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- a vs an 6 years 7 months ago
- introductory phrases 6 years 7 months ago
- what are SNP's 6 years 7 months ago
- proves 6 years 7 months ago
- broad term 6 years 7 months ago
- "As to be able to join this 6 years 7 months ago
- Who is 'they'? Try not to use 6 years 7 months ago
- Morrill should have two r's. 6 years 7 months ago
- explain humanities 6 years 7 months ago
- explanation 6 years 7 months ago
I think it would be better to
I think it would be better to not begin your second sentence with a verb.
I think it would be helpful
I think it would be helpful to know a little more about the significance behind these mutations.
an explanation of complementation analysis could prove to be beneficial in the long run