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Draft 2

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 16:14

The information you need to know to answer this question is the difference between irreversible and reversible enzymes. Irreversible inhibitors are unidirectional only making products. Once product are made the reaction cannot go backwards and make reactants. Reversible enzymes are bidirectional where reactants can become products ad products can transform into reactants.

Draft 1

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 16:13

I took Statistics 240 during Fall 2016 in my sophomore year of college at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I remember only a minimal amount of material from the course since I took it almost three semesters ago. I do remember the main topics such as standard deviation, standard error, variance, probability, and a few other her topics.

Abstract PP

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 21:55

    I obtained two photos of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae, commonly known as the “Snow Queen,” from the Morrill Greenhouses at 12-1 pm (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). The first photo I obtained was a detailed close up of the flower, while the second photo was a photo that included detail of the plant as a whole. I also created a map that showed the flower originated in East Asia (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - L).  I created one multi paneled figure with the two photos and the map I created.  I then gave my methods to a classmate to obtain similar photos that I had taken, and for them to create their own multi paneled figure by following what I had did. The results showed that the figure produced by my classmate was different than the figure I had produced. The panel produced by my classmate was structured different as Figure 2A was the close up photo and Figure 2B was the full plant, while Figure 1A was the full plant and Figure 1B was the close up. Figure 2C highlighted two more countries than Figure 1C. The photos in Figure 2 were taken at different angles than Figure 1. Figure 1 had more spaces in between the photos than Figure 2. Factors that lead to the differences between the figures were: different programs to put the separate photos together, photographed a different flower of the same species,  and picking the layouts based on the person’s preference.

Results Paragraph 3 draft 6

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 16:17

The photos is Figure 2 are larger than in Figure 1. The map in Figure 2C has more countries filled in red than in Figure 1C. In Figure 1, the labels of each photo are are located on the bottom left of Figure 1A and Figure 1B and on the top left of Figure 1C. In Figure 2, the labels are on the top left for each different photo, but the labels are significantly bigger than on Figure 1. Figure 1 also has more space between the individual photos compared to those is Figure 2.

Results paragraph 2 draft 5

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 16:16

Also the plant featured in Figure 2 is a lighter pink flower with leaves with different coloration than the plant featured in Figure 1 The angle of  Figure 1B is taken with the camera angled parallel to the flower, while Figure 2A is taken with the camera at a slight angle from left to right. Figure 2B shows more of the plant than Figure 1A. Figure 1A is taken with the camera at a diagonal while Figure 2B is taken with the camera straight and perpendicular to the plant.

Results Paragraph 1 draft4

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 15:59

Figure 1 contains the original photos that I had taken. Figure 2 contains the replicate photos that my classmate  had taken using my methods. Although my classmate used my methods and followed them precisely, there were differences between the figures we both independently produced. The panel layout of Figure 1 and Figure 2 are different. Figure 1A is the full plant with leaves, while Figure 2A is the up close detailed photo of the flower. Figure 1B is the up close photo of the flower, while Figure 2B is the full plant.

intro paragraph draft 3

Submitted by cfellrath on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 15:27

The classmate that recieved my methods was to follow exactly what I wrote in the Methods section. They were supposed to obtain photos based on how I described my actions in the methods section. They also created a multi panel figure based on the descriptions I said. The goal of the Methods Project was to create similar figures based on the methods I had written.

Intro draft 2

Submitted by cfellrath on Tue, 02/27/2018 - 18:45

In Spring 2018, as part of Biology Writing 312 course at University of Massachusetts, Amherst we were given the Methods Project. The Methods Project is designed for each student to create their own multi paneled figure. I was instructed to find a flower from anywhere around the campus, and to create a multi panel with at least three different parts to the figure. The panel is supposed to contain a close up photo of the flower, a photo that contains the whole plant, and a map illustrating where the flower we had chose originally comes from. After we created ou individual figures, I submitted the final draft to Professor Brewer so he could give a copy to a classmate.

Abstract Draft

Submitted by cfellrath on Tue, 02/27/2018 - 17:39

    I obtained two photos of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae, commonly known as the “Snow Queen,” from the Morrill Greenhouses at 12-1 pm. The first photo I obtained was a detailed close up of the flower, while the second photo was a photo that included detail of the plant as a whole. I also created a map that showed the flower originated in East Asia. I created one multi paneled figure with the two photos and the map I created.  I then gave my methods to a classmate to obtain similar photos that I had taken, and for them to create their own multi paneled figure by following what I had did. The results showed that the figure produced by my classmate was different than the figure I had produced. The panel produced by my classmate was structured different as Figure 2A was the close up photo and Figure 2B was the full plant, while Figure 1A was the full plant and Figure 1B was the close up. Figure 2C highlighted two more countries than Figure 1C. The photos in Figure 2 were taken at different angles than Figure 1. Figure 1 had more spaces in between the photos than Figure 2. Factors that lead to the differences between the figures were: different programs to put the separate photos together, photographed a different flower of the same species,  and picking the layouts based on the person’s preference.

Comparison of Pictures

Submitted by cfellrath on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 14:29

The two different figures have many differences. One difference is that in Figure 1 the smokers pictures are to the left (A and C) and the nonsmokers are to the right (B and D), while in Figure 2 the nonsmokers are to the left (A and C) and the smokers to the right (Band D). Another difference is in Figure 1 there is a split of gender by the girls have the top two pictures (A and B) and the boys have the bottom two pictures (C and D). In Figure 2 the boys are on the top two photos (A and B) while the girls are the bottom two photos (C and D). The figures are taken in different places. Figure 1 A shows that woman smokers have a lung volume of 2.7 L while in Figure 1 B the nonsmoker woman has a lung volume of 4.7 L. The male smoker has a volume of 5.5 L shown in Figure 1 C and the nonsmoker male has a lung volume of 6.0 L shown in Figure 1 D. In Figure 2 the volumes are significantly lower. The smoker woman has a volume of 1.7 L shown in Figure 2 D, while the nonsmoker woman has the lung volume of 2.5 L shown in Figure 2 C. In Figure 2 B, the male smoker's lung volume is 2.5 L and in Figure 2 A, the male nonsmoker's lung volume is 3.5 L. In Figure 1 A and B, the woman shown have different hair colors, height, and ethnicities than the woman shown in Figure 2 C and D. Also the men from Figure 1 C and D also have different hair color and height than the men shown in Figure 2 A and B.  The discrepancies in these two figures can be the result of the pictures being taken in two different environment and have different people in each photo. The lung volumes can be because the people shown in each figure are different and therefore can have different lung volumes. The lung volumes can be different if the people from Figure 1 had more time to fill up the instrument of measurement compared to the people from Figure 2. Also since there seem to be from different environments, the ages of those shown in Figure 1 could be different from Figure 2 therefore that could factor into the different volumes obtained. 


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