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Comparison of Pictures

Submitted by cfellrath on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 14:29

The two different figures have many differences. One difference is that in Figure 1 the smokers pictures are to the left (A and C) and the nonsmokers are to the right (B and D), while in Figure 2 the nonsmokers are to the left (A and C) and the smokers to the right (Band D). Another difference is in Figure 1 there is a split of gender by the girls have the top two pictures (A and B) and the boys have the bottom two pictures (C and D). In Figure 2 the boys are on the top two photos (A and B) while the girls are the bottom two photos (C and D). The figures are taken in different places. Figure 1 A shows that woman smokers have a lung volume of 2.7 L while in Figure 1 B the nonsmoker woman has a lung volume of 4.7 L. The male smoker has a volume of 5.5 L shown in Figure 1 C and the nonsmoker male has a lung volume of 6.0 L shown in Figure 1 D. In Figure 2 the volumes are significantly lower. The smoker woman has a volume of 1.7 L shown in Figure 2 D, while the nonsmoker woman has the lung volume of 2.5 L shown in Figure 2 C. In Figure 2 B, the male smoker's lung volume is 2.5 L and in Figure 2 A, the male nonsmoker's lung volume is 3.5 L. In Figure 1 A and B, the woman shown have different hair colors, height, and ethnicities than the woman shown in Figure 2 C and D. Also the men from Figure 1 C and D also have different hair color and height than the men shown in Figure 2 A and B.  The discrepancies in these two figures can be the result of the pictures being taken in two different environment and have different people in each photo. The lung volumes can be because the people shown in each figure are different and therefore can have different lung volumes. The lung volumes can be different if the people from Figure 1 had more time to fill up the instrument of measurement compared to the people from Figure 2. Also since there seem to be from different environments, the ages of those shown in Figure 1 could be different from Figure 2 therefore that could factor into the different volumes obtained. 
