During my travels in the continent of South America in the diverse country of Brazil I encounter an unusual creature, one I have never seen before and was intrigued. This organism was located in the tropical rainforest. Where precipitation exceeds 70 inches annually. This biome contains approximately 50 % of the world species in simply about 11% of its terrestrial vegetation cover so I was really excited to have found it here. This biome experiences warm seasonally invariant temperatures. This habitat contains broad leveled evergreens and deciduous trees with sunlight being a key resource that contributes to the vegetation structure (Cain et al. 2014).
The second and third sentence
The second and third sentence sound choppy. This could be fixed by uniting them with a comma.
In your first sentence, the
In your first sentence, the word encounter should be past tense like the rest of the verbs included.
You begin several setences
You begin several setences with the word "this", consider variation.