Tables 1 and 2 both numerically display the results of the spectrophotometer for both the spinach and romaine lettuce chloroplasts at each time interval and for each experimental group. Figure 1 displays an absorbance versus time graph for the romaine lettuce chloroplast reactions. It is apparent that the chloroplast and light group has the highest absorbance value by the end of the 30 minutes, while chloroplast + dark has the lowest absorbance. The chloroplast + light group also had the largest slope at 0.0175 abs/min. The chloroplast + dark group maintained a very small slope, and no chloroplast had a slightly larger slope. Figure two displays an absorbance versus time graph for spinach chloroplast reactions for all experimental groups. The chloroplast + dark group appears to have the highest absorbance at the end of 30 minutes, while no chloroplast has the lowest. Chloroplast + light appear to have a negative slope, at -0.0073 abs/min.
For the third sentence in the paragraph replace has with had. You could also elaborate in what it means to have a high absorbance if you wanted to but overall a good paragraph.
I really like your paragraph as a whole, but as stated above, giving background information on absorbance and possibly even your hypothesis and expected results will make the parapgraph flow much better and give the reader who may not know much about plant biology more resource information.
Comment III
Change the third sentence around. Remove the word "it" because the sentence is vague.