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Stats class

Submitted by brettconnoll on Sun, 03/04/2018 - 19:20

What I learned in Statistics

                I had the opportunity to take statistics (stats) twice in college because I transferred schools. Both classes were geared towards science majors and had very similar goals. The first stats class that I took was team-based and they wanted students to get a good understanding of data collecting and understanding data distributions. The second class I took was online and was taught its students the general concepts of stats and how they can be applied to understand and organize data sets. Both classes have been applicable to many of my biology classes such as ecology, genetics, and general biology. The skills from stats that I used included finding the standard deviation, calculating the probability, understanding p values, and learning how to use programs like Microsoft Excel. In the advancing times, we are living in taking a stats class is incredibly important to anyone in the biology field.



"The second class I took was online and was taught its students the general concepts of stats and how they can be applied to understand and organize data sets." This sentence could be broken into two. 

In the third sentence, I think it would be good for you to specify who "they" is.