MIE Reading 3 Body 1
Social determinants play a large role in accessibility of resources that promote health and wellness. These include circumstances such as place of birth and residency, occupation, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender, and disabilities. It has been seen in the past that specific social groups are not provided with the same medical treatment that people belonging to other social groups are provided with. An example of this is homosexuals affected with HIV/AIDS during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s, in which homosexuals were denied medical counsel from majority of doctors due to fear and homophobia. Another example includes black and white segregation, in which people of color were not allowed to achieve the same education, shop at the same stores, and overall were unable to live at a higher standard of living due to civic restrictions, fostering decreased mental and physical health. In developed countries, it is often stigma, fear, discrimination and social segregation and condemnation that lead to inequities in access to healthcare resources.
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