Religion vs Evolution
Religious forms of knowledge are more of the exaggerated ways in which people give explanations to what goes on in the world. This is why different religions started in different parts of the world, but seem to have somewhat similar beliefs in a way. This reminds of of convergent evolution, but in the form of religion. Despite living and growing up in different parts of the world, we still manage to come up with a certain religion in which we believe in.
Scientific forms of knowledge are more of the evidential ways in which people give explanations to what goes on in the world. Science is for the most part, able to be proven true or not true. This is why I think scientists lean more towards to scientific explanations instead of religion explanations. Regardless there are still some knowledgeable people such as that MD in the video who uses the ways of religion to live his life. There are also popes like the one in the video who try to explain religion by using science.
In the end I believe it's just what is said in Chapter 3 Evolution vs. Creationism is true. We humans always try to find explanations for everything that go on in this world. We believe whatever we hear or see for the most part. We can be skeptical but sometimes the need to want to know the reason for something outweighs the skepticism.
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