There are numerous intricate processes involved in the determination and evolution of
male guppy coloration. Since guppies exhibit sexual dimorphism, sexual selection is likely a
prominent factor in varying levels of male showiness. The more ornate a guppy is, the more
likely it is to obtain a mate, reproduce, and pass on its genes. However, theses elaborate colors
also pose a threat to survival, as they attract predators. Therefore, the varying environments and
substrates will affect survival, because certain environments will provide more protection and
hiding spots from predators. Several hypotheses for varying levels of male showiness are:
1. When predators are present, the type of substrate will affect survival, resulting in a
change in spot brightness over time.
2. As predation increases, male guppy spot brightness will decrease, because higher spot
brightness attracts predators.
3. In the absence of predation, and at low predations levels, spot brightness will increase
due to sexual selection.
In your fourth sentence you typed "theses" instead of "these"
Comment III
In the sixth sentence the comma after survival is unnecesary
Grammatical errors
there seem to be a few grammatical errors throughout this paragraph, proof reading will easily fix these mistakes.