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Perfect Paragraph - Stable isotope analysis.

Submitted by drosen on Fri, 02/16/2018 - 10:11

Stable isotope analysis is a revlutionary analytical process that has several implications on both the ornithological field and conservative movements worlwide. This technique allows for the analysis of isotope concentrations that collect in the tissues of species following meals and this information can be used to make inferences on location given the geographic predicatilbity of these isotopope concentrations. This is atypically powerful with avian species as their feathers are unique and metabollicaly inert once they reach maturity. Similar to fossills, this leaves a lasitng mark that can be analyzed months after the standard isotopes would have naturally been released in normal tissues. Conservatonalist advocates have used this evidence to support movements for the protection breeding and molting grounds that can be thousands of miles away from the speices that are affected by their destruction.



Make sure you proofread for grammatical and spelling errors, "lasting" is spelt wrong in the second to last sentence.