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What is Ethnonationlism?

Submitted by ameserole on Fri, 02/09/2018 - 12:27

Ethnonationalism is like nationalism in that it is a way to find sense and belonging within a group, but ethnonationalism emphasises the person’s ethnicity rather than where they live. These movements band people together based on their ethnicity regardless of their location. An example of this is seen during the fall of the Soviet Union, which encompassed many satellite countries near Russia such as Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. At the time they weren’t countries, but as the citizens began to see the Soviet Union fall, they began to identify with their region and ethnic identities rather than with the union they were a part of. Another example is Israel’s “right to return”, which grants every ethnically Jewish person the right to return to Israel, and be granted citizenship. This shows they identify with a place they may not live.



I think the first sentence could have flowed better if you structured it something like, "ethnonationalism is a form of nationalism that is defined by the individual's ethnicity rather than where they live geographically."

You say "is seen during the fall of the Soviet Union" but later switch to past tense. I would suggest something like "was seen during the fall..." to match tenses.

I think the first sentence could be made in to two sentecnes. As well, I think it would be better to introduce the topic differently; it feels like you jump into it too quickly.