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Observations vs Inferences Write up

Submitted by benjaminburk on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 19:14

Observations are quantitative or qualitative characteristics that the observer notices about something. Meanwhile inferences are assumptions the observer makes based on the observations they made. In the activity we are using in class observations would be the concrete differences between the original and replicate figures. The inferences would be the reasons why the differences occured. For example if the lighting is different between the figures, one could infer that the figures were created at different times of day. In general the inferences and differences will be as a result of the lack of control of certain variables when creating the figure. 



Very well written Ben, this paragraph was very concise and directly to the point which I really liked. It isn't about the length of the paragraph, but it is about how well written it is and I think you nailed it.