Your Inner Fish Intro Perfect Paragraph
The novel Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin explores the origins of humanity. Shubin makes it clear from the start of the novel that humans have changed over time through evolution, and the fossil record has secrets of our past hidden inside of it. Even though only a miniscule fraction of organisms are fossilized, fossils can be used to glimpse into the past and study our ancestors. Shubin focuses on how similar humans are to other animals, both morphologically and genetically. For example he highlights that all animals have heads, even fish, a trait that can be adequately explained through common descent. It is by far more likely that having a head is a shared trait, than it is that it independently arose in numerous recent lineages. This is one of the main themes of the book, highlighting similarities humans share with other animals. Darwin used the same method in On the Origin of Species, but here Shubin can built off of Darwin’s foundation by using modern discoveries.
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