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Abstract for Poster Project

Submitted by michaelkim on Fri, 04/27/2018 - 10:38

In the spring 2018 semester of Dr. Stephen Brewer’s Writing in Biology course, students were tasked with designing proposal projects. Groups of students then voted on which project to base their poster presentation on. The purpose of the experiment we chose was to examine the relationship between the number of arthropods on window sills in Morrill IV South and their distance from the reptile room, which is located on the fifth floor of the Morrill II building. We observed the window sills adjacent to the bridge connecting Morrill IV North to Morrill IV South on the first, second, third, and fourth floors of the Morrill IV South building for signs of arthropods. These signs included live arthropods, dead arthropods, wings, exoskeletons, cracks, and webs, all of which will be quantified and related to the distance from the reptile room. Variables that influenced the number of arthropods and signs of arthropods include whether or not the window can open and the foot traffic of that particular floor. The aim was to find and explain the relationship between the number of arthropods on respective windowsills and their distances from the reptile room and to discover the ideal distance where arthropods thrive.

