The three known substances naphthalene, urea, and sulfanilamide were all provided with its relative MP ranges. Naphthalene was 79 degrees and I found it to be 80 degrees. Urea was given 132-134 but mine did not completely melt until it hit 137. Lastly, sulfanilamide was 165-167 but mine was 1 degree higher to be 168. For the two unknowns, I wasn't given the MP range so I had to start from 0 degrees and slowly raise the temperature. Unkown 8 that I was given which I did for my first unknown came out to have melting point of 95 which is why I thought it was acenaphthene with melting point of 94-96. Unkown #7 which I used for my second unknown came out to have MP 166 which is why I concluded that it was sulfanilamide once again because it had 165-167 degrees.
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