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Plant Phys Draft 4

Submitted by lgorman on Wed, 04/18/2018 - 22:07

However, the roots that penetrated in the light grew at a 45° angle, while the roots that penetrated in the dark grew at a 119°. This difference exhibited the fact that light is the major contributor of which direction the adventitious roots will grow. The plants that were not submerged underwater in this experiment did not grow any adventitious roots. This can be attributed to the the ethylene levels not being able to reach a high enough level in the three days the experiment was conducted, while the ethylene could get trapped and reach a high enough level in the submerged plants. An important note to make is that the adventitious roots grow in the same patterns in different media: water, soil, and styrofoam beads. This is indicative that the growth patterns are independent of the medium.  

