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Revised Background Section of Research Proposal

Submitted by benjaminburk on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 13:29

In this experiment we hope to find specific differences between physical attributes of the Campus Pond and nearby Puffers Pond. Campus Pond is a manmade pond, created in 1892, and is located in the center of the University of Massachusetts (UMass Amherst 1892). Meanwhile, Puffers Pond is the largest open body of water in Amherst, located about 3 miles from the center of town on conservation land (Amherst MA 2007). Because of the drastic differences in location and human interaction we believe that the results of this experiment will expose significant differences between the two bodies of water. The collected data will also lead to a better understanding as to why the the differences occur and how to handle potential problems that may be exposed as a result of these differences.

The techniques and procedure proposed in Rodrigo’s, Rojo’s and Armengol research article (2003), were used as a template for constructing the techniques used for physical characteristic testing in our procedure.
