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Poster Do's and Don'ts

Submitted by malberigi on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 11:33

Posters looked at:

Study of water binding capacity, pH, chemical composition and microstructure of livestock meat and poultry

Human whole genome sequencing on Oxford Nanopore PromethION

The CINSARC signature predicts clinical outcome in multiple cancer types

Poster Do's:


  • Include color
  • Include figures, with figure labels 
  • Include charts and graphs for modeling data, making it easier to read
  • Use of bullets, numbering, and headlines to break up information and make it easier to read
  • Use of large font 
  • Not too large blocks of text, multiple smaller blocks
  • Title should contain the essential amount of words
  • Begin with abstract or introduction in upper left hand corner
  • Authors names and references are included
  • Clearly convey information in a short amount of time

Poster Don'ts:


  • Large blocks of text 
  • Small, illegible fonts
  • Figures or images without labels
  • A long, non-concise title
  • No pictures or graphical representations of data
  • Blocks of numbers
  • Lack of headings or defined sections
  • Too much color
  • No authors or references
  • Too long to read in under 5 minutes

