Another example of an ecosystem engineer is the gopher tortoise. The gopher tortoise is a species of tortoise that lives in the southeastern united states. Since reptiles are cold blooded, they usually hide in the shade when the sun is too hot. However, gopher tortoises dig tunnels in order to escape the hot rays of the sun. These tortoises dig complex pathways in which they can rest while the sun is too hot. Interestingly, other animals use these tunnels as well. For example, rattlesnakes have been seen hiding in the tunnels right along side the tortoise. Because the tortoise is armored, it doesn’t have to worry about the rattlesnake attacking it. In addition to protection from the sun, tortoise tunnels serve as an escape for forest fires. In dry, woodland environments where fires are frequent, animals of all kinds can take refuge in the tortoise tunnels until the flames die down. For example, armadillos have been seen to be hiding in these tunnels.
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