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Territoriality of Avian Species.

Submitted by drosen on Thu, 03/22/2018 - 10:17


Territorial Behavior: This is a pattern of aggressive behavior or spacing. A territory is typically a  fixed area that is defended in both breeding and non breeding season, however, a range can gradually shift locations if the resource that is being defended is mobile. To defend this territory, acts of dominance, songs, or aggressive pursuit discourage other from entering or using the space that is being guarded. The primary use of the territory’s resources are the defender, its mate, and occasionally its progeny.

While a simple territory may solely focus on simple food supplies; more all purpose nesting grounds serve to reduce predation and competition for mates as well. Although the benefits are apparent, there are certain costs associated with territoriality as well. Resources must be spatially and temporally viable in order for the territory’s maintenance to be beneficial.. Birds spend a large amount of calories defending their zones and this expenditure linearly increases with territory size. Furthermore, an abundance of resources can attract an overwhelming amount of outsiders that are unable to be driven away.

