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Submitted by lgiron on Mon, 03/19/2018 - 21:04

When people hear the word "vitamins and minerals" many think of supplimental tablets or common vitamins such as vitamin A-K, however there are more than such. Vitamins and minerals are essential for all humans, without them we would get very ill and could potentially die, likewise, too much will cause serious health problems. One mineral that many do not know of is Chromium. Chromium is a mineral that is commonly found in meats, potatoes, fruits, vegetables and more. Chromium is one of the key components of the digestive body function. It is a key component of helping glucose move from the bloodstream to cells that can then use that sugar as energy to turn macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins), into even more energy that we then use for our every day functions. Luckily, it is rare that individuals obtain to little of this mineral as our bodies only need a small amount to be able to process it. However, elderly and those with diabetes are those most likely to come across dificiency in chromium. A dificiency in chromium can lead to stomach problems and hypoglycemia, too much can lead to damage to liver, kidney nerves and even heart.  Benefits to chromium include management of type 2 diabetes, decrease risk of glaucoma and reduce bone loss in elderly. 
