This was an organic chemistry lab experiement. First was given an unkown, unkown #5. FOr the first part, having to mix it with water after taking exactly .250 grams of the unknown. Then turned it into a crystal which .098 gram out of the .25 grams turned. When neutralized and recrystallized the product, I was left with only .009 gram when .098 gram was given which is about 8% recovered. It melted completely at 120 degrees. For the second part, had to do a very similar work as the first part. The only difference was that hexane and TBME were used instead of water for the second part. More crystals were formed than with the one with the water. Our of .098 grams, .039 grams crystals were formed which is about 40%. It melted or dissolved completely at 123 degrees. So on average, the melting point of the unkown 5 was 121.5 degrees. With 48% recovered including both water and hexane &TBME. Which makes the compound benzoic acid with melting point of 122 degrees.
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