Comparing Gender, GPA, Hours studied per week, and hours slept per week. I think that hours studied per week and hours slept per week has to correlate with their GPA. Also, it would matter what their major is and what kind of classes they are taking because some people with high GPA might be taking easy General Education classes while some people with lower GPA might be on Pre medical track with Organic Chemistry or something hard like that. I don't think Gender really matters when it comes to GPA because it is about how well you do on your exams and classes and how much school work time you are willing to put in. There are many outliers in this data such as some kid that sleeps only 11 hours per week and some kid that studies 50 hours per week. There was also an "O" for other for gender. Highest GPA was 3.99 and lowest GPA was 1.01. Highest hours studied was 50 and lowest hours studied was 4. Most hours slept was 60 and least hours slept was 11. So as you can see there may or may not be correlations in each category.
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