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Submitted by brettconnoll on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 18:56

The major difference between the two figures is the addition of panel D in the replicate figure. The other major differences include formatting, lighting, the presence of the flower, and the map of the geographical location. The replicate figure is formatted with spacings between the panels, while the original figure has the panels flush to one another with no spacing.

The labels for each of the panels are also formatted differently. The original figures background was made transparent and is white, while the replicate figures background is not transparent and is grey. The labels in the original are surrounded by white boxes and are in the top left corner of each panel, and in the replicate the labels are found outside the panel above the top left corner. In addition, the labels for each panel in the original figure were done with lowercase letters while they are uppercase in the replicate figure. Panel a in the original figure is of the flower while it is of the geographical range in the replicate. Panel b in the original figure is of the entire plant, and in the replicate figure panel B is also of the entire plant. Panel b of the original and replicate figures differ in lighting, angle and the presence of the P. maudiae flower. Panel c in the original figure is of the geographical range, while panel C in the replicate figure is of the flower bud of P. maudiae.

The geographical range of P. maudiae is colored differently in both figures and both figures show a different geographical range for P. maudiae. The maps chosen for each figure are also different. The original figure has white countries with a blue ocean while the replicate figure has grey countries with a white ocean. The lighting in the replicate figure is brighter and there are more shadows present in the background. The lighting in the original figure is more uniform and not bright or dark with very little shadows or interference.
