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Biomes 2

Submitted by cfellrath on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 21:12

I predict that Biome 2 is most similar to the data of the Temperate Evergreen Forest climate diagrams. I base this prediction on that there climate diagrams are similar. Although not exactly the same both Biome 2 and Temperate Evergreen Forest have around the same annual precipitation with Biome 2 having 691mm and the Temperate Evergreen Forest having 672mm. The average annual temperature for the Temperate Evergreen Forest is 17.5 oC, while the average annual temperature for Biome 2 is 19.5oC. I believe the data of Biome 2 is from the part of the Temperate Evergreen Forest that is located between 45o and 50o, also known as “the temperate rainforests.” Although all Temperate Evergreen Forests are found between 30o and 50o N/S.   
