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Methods Draft 1

Submitted by lgiron on Sun, 02/04/2018 - 20:53

I will do my panel on Hymenocallis littoralis, or the Spider Lily. I chose this plant because it stood out to me as I have an irrational fear of spiders. This plant is native to the warmer coastal regions of Central America but have also been introduced in Florida. It ranges from a height from 60-70 cm, or 36 inches. The bulb has a diameter of 7-10 cm, or 3-4 inches. The neck that grows from the bulb has a length of 4-5 cm, or 2 inches. Each flower’s tube ranges from 14-17 cm, or 5-7 inches. The flowers that blossom off of this plant are white, vanilla scented and give the shape of a spider, hence the name. An interesting fact about this plant is that all parts of it are poisonous. There are many types of this plant. In Japan, they have been used in rice patties to deter pests that can ruin the fields. They have also given it the name of “Higanbana” which translates to “flower of death”, unlike first thought, this is correlated because they have been places on tombs of the deceased as a tribute to the dead. A legend that they have the ability to guide the dead into the next reincarnation which is highly sought after in the Buddhist community. 
