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Modes of Travel

Submitted by malberigi on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 15:25

Travel is a constant part of any day, and is an important way to get to and from activities in a timely manner.  Even when there is no reason to leave the house, there are still methods of moving the body from one room to the next or up the stairs that constitute movement no matter how small the distance.  On a typical school day, the forms of travel may vary from walking to longboarding to driving. Each type of movement from point A to point B are carefully selected upon depending on the distance being traveled and time constraints.  I normally being my school day by walking out of my house and to my car.  I then drive the distance to campus from my house off campus, which is long and driving is normally necessary.  After I have parked my car I normally remove my longboard from the trunk in order to travel to class and on time because I have to park far away.  I will occasionally walk to class if the conditions do not permit longboarding.  I finish my day by driving home, parking my car, and walking into my house.  Each day I use about three modes of transportation which are specifically tailored to the distance and time needed to arrive where I need to be punctually.
