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Comparing scientific literature

Submitted by sworkman on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 12:33

Both of theses scientific articles are dealing with native and non-native species however, they focus on different aspects of the subject and structure the two papers differently. The level 1 headings for both papers are the titles ‘Origin matters: widely distributed native and non-native species benefit from functional traits’ and ‘Non-native species and rates of spread: lessons from the Baltic Sea’. The level 2 headings in the first paper are the headings to each section of the paper such as the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. These sections were split into sub sections such as ‘species selection’ or Trait selectin’. The second paper has the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion and Discussion’, but it never titles a methods section, the paper seems to not discuss methods and jumps right into results. The body of the paper has sub headings, but it would have been clearer if there was a result heading.

            The layout of the papers may be different, but it seems that the structure of the individual sections for both papers are relatively similar. The Introduction and Conclusion sections are more classically set up; the first paragraph serves as an introduction to the rest and it is more conceptual writing. The results sections for both papers are less structured. The first paragraphs tend to lead right into the information and aim to present data not ideas.

            The structure of the paragraphs follow a similar model to the sections. If the paragraph is in a more conceptual section, then it is more structured. These paragraphs have a topic sentence that is an overview of the following paragraph. The paragraphs in the results section tend to dive right into the information. 
