I took AP statistics in High school and it was honestly one of the hardest class I've ever taken so far in my life. I don't remember much to be completely honest other than means, median, and mode. I guess general terms I know are how the graph is determined and described. Unimodal, bimodal, and multimodal all describe the data. It can be in uniform as in symmetric, skewed, and also it can include an outlier which means that it is far off from the other points. I also remember having to calculate for IQRs for an exam. Z scores were also a huge part in Statistics class, I honestly couldn't tell you how they are calculated or what they are exactly. In college, I took Resource economics in place of Statistics so I wouldn't have to go through Stats again. I personally liked Resource economics better. I have no idea why introductory to statistics is required class for biology majors.
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