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Week 3: Draft #5 Lab Critique Continued

Submitted by crmckenzie on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 22:06

This research could explain the presence and development of all types of cancer in humans and animals. If Dr. Farkas is able to identify the exact biomolecular processes that lead to cancer and the metastasizing of cancer, her specific research in circadian rhythms, macrophages, and the nucleic acid delivery systems could all be effective and precise forms of cancer treatment. Currently, the lack of precise understanding at the biomolecular level is a road block in cancer research. One novel successful application at this level is antibody-drug conjugates, which can be created to suit the exact need of each type of cancer and specific situation. These anti-body drug conjugates could specify between healthy and unhealthy cancerous tumor tissue. In order for this to be done, there must be a clear understanding of the target, the antibody to be used against the target, any effector molecules and the connection the antibodies have to the toxic effector molecules. In other words, the antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) can be manufactured in order to direct a drug—in this case, a cytotoxic drug or agent since it is meant to be toxic for living things—to the desired cell, thus designing the antibody drug conjugate so that the antigen expressed on the surface of the cell can be attacked by an antibody. This is the concept, however Dr. Farkas’ research is instead on a new delivery system that would include gold and fatty acid nanoassemblies. Oftentimes this includes oils, metals, and lipids in the building process.
