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week 14 Draft 5 "Yeast Genetics Lab"

Submitted by jngomez on Tue, 04/24/2018 - 13:18

HA1 is mating type a with an ade mutation resulting in mutant deficit for adenine biosynthesis. HA2 is also a mating type a with an ade mutation which also makes it mutant deficit for adenine biosynthesis (1). The color of yeast strains through growth will vary depending on the type of media utilized that lack the ade gene function. To see if yeast colonies formed we used adenine biosynthesis. Adenine is known to produce a red color, so we analyzed yeast cells to see if they changed color. If they did not have the ADE gene function, then this meant they lacked the red pigment. It is known that mutations in ADE1 and ADE2 result in the accumulation of metabolic intermediate like AIR and CAIR that result in a red color. This marks the change in color of the yeast mutant cells colonies (1). YED media has all the nutrients necessary for a yeast cell to grow and thrive. This media has a tiny amount of adenine that help adenine-requiring (ade) strains. However, ade mutants are known to grow well in this particular media having a red pigment that is due to the accumulation of and intermediate in the adenine biosynthesis pathway. The MV media has the minimal number of things that are required to help in the growth of wild-type yeast cells. This media lacks adenine which means that ade mutants are not able to grow. (1)  
