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Week 12 Draft 4

Submitted by jngomez on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 22:06

In Spring 2018, as part of the Writing in Biology course at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, each group designed a distinct proposal project examining a variety of factors. This experiment will examine Morrill buildings III and IV located in the University of Massachusetts, Amherst which are situated at opposite ends of each other. Arthropods thrive where there are plants or where the environment is warm. It is not well understood what other factors contribute to this notion. In this proposal, we aim to observe the distinct types of arthropods living or nonliving. In addition, factors that drive to the diversity of arthropods that are present on the Morrill Buildings III and IV window sills will be analyzed. Each group will be assigned a particular floor of either Morrill III or Morrill IV building. 
