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Tetrahymena Seratonin Lab Results Explanation

Submitted by benjaminburk on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 11:32

In the data gathered above Table 1 describes the amount of food vacuoles observed in 10 random Tetrahymena cells with the average of the timeslot and standard deviation of the observation. In Table 2 the same readings are represented, but the difference is that the observed Tetrahymena have been treated with 1ul of serotonin. Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the averages of  Tetrahymena food vacuoles observed within the control group at various times, with the standard deviation noted with error bars and Figure 2 is a graphical representation of the averages of Tetrahymena food vacuoles observed within the experimental groups at different times, with the standard deviation noted with error bars. In Figure 1 we see a positive slope meaning that more food vacuoles on average were seen in the Tetrahymena as time went on and we also see a small value of standard deviation meaning that the counts among the 10 randomly selected cells were similar values compared to the mean. The only exception for the pattern of small standard deviation is seen when time 15 where it jumps to 4.3 meaning that the amount of vacuoles observed varied greatly from the mean at that time. Meanwhile in Figure 2 from time 0-10 a positive slope is observed meaning that the number of food vacuoles observed is increasing and then at time 10-15 there is a negative slope meaning there was a drop in the number of food vacuoles observed from 13.7 to 10.9 vacuoles on average and lastly in time 15-20 there is a positive slope meaning that there was an increase in observed food vacuoles again from 10.9 to 13.8 vacuoles on average. In the experimental the standard deviations at each time are relatively small meaning that the number of food vacuoles observed were more or less similar to the average of the entire time group. Between the two tables and figures we see that on between 0 and 10 minutes on average there are more food vacuoles observed in the cells treated with Serotonin, but in minutes 10 to 15 there are more vacuoles observed on average in the control group. Also in all times except for 15 minutes the standard deviation of the counts were greater in the experimental group meaning that the counts gathered in the control group were more similar to the mean at 0, 5, 10 and 20 minutes.
