The females will typically be pregnant for 65-80 days. The young are born fully covered in fur and are able to open their eyes after just a week. The pups are able to walk around and swim just after they are able to open their eyes. This rapid development is supported by the constant support and protection of the pup by the pride. When they are young male and female pups look morphologically similar. It isn’t until they reach eight months old that the males begin to develop secondary sex characteristics. Their pectoral girdle starts to get larger and a small brown mane begins to form. The young males will begin to forage with the dominant male when they are a year old and are first taught to hunt for insects. It isn’t until they have been foraging for a month that the dominant males will allow the young males to begin hunting for A. galactonotus. After a few months of eating the frogs the color of the young males’ mane changes from dark brown to hues of bright red, orange and yellow. It has been observed that the primary color of frog that the males eat will determine the proportions of red, orange, and yellow in their mane. The amount of frogs that the male eats also determines how bright his mane will be. Males that are not able to eat many frogs may have a dull colored mane, or it may not be colored at all. The males that are the best at foraging and have the best territory will have the biggest and brightest manes. The female’s preference for the amount of each color they like in the male's mane has yet to be explored, however, it has been observed that they do prefer males with very large manes.
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