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Single Payer Healthcare Reform - parties involved

Submitted by drosen on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 17:01

The United States’ healthcare system was first implemented by several powerful industries that likely saw the american public as a source of profit rather than a populace that deserved affordable, high quality care. This conglomerate, composed of the various insurance and pharmaceutical companies, have continually opposed the transition to a national health care system as they have profited tremendously from the sale of high-cost pharmaceuticals as well as the annual rise of both premiums and deductibles. Furthermore, while not a direct oppositional force, the Government would likely not provide universal health care without some form of tax reform to compensate as the increasing rate of diseases such as obesity and diabetes will likely lead to increasing cost.  Similarly, physicians and employers may also appear apprehensive as health care providers have been concerned with loss of autonomy and some nations, such a Germany, require employers to pay a percentage of the taxes that ultimately fund their national health care system. The implantation of a single payer system would likely benefit the average american citizen, particularly those of lower average income, minorities and children, however, a single-payer plan continues to be misrepresented as a socialist movement and is therefore seen as a direct threat to a capitalist nation.The various parties involved have different perspectives, opinions and concerns regarding to the healthcare system used and these feelings are not all exclusively to ensure efficacy and affordability.  
