I took introduction to statistics my freshman year here, in this class we learned about probability, random variables, binomials/normal distributions, central limit theorem, hypothesis testing and linear regression. I don’t remember a whole lot since it has been a couple years since I touched this material, however I do remember probability and binomial/normal distribution. Probability comes into play in our everyday lives and has crawled into some of the classes I have taken recently. One being physics, I remember learning about probability in physics in the end of 131 with the probability a certain energy will be located within certain pods in a device or container. We used the same equations as in statistics to figure out the probability of the locations of these energy pockets. Binomial/normal distribution I remember the bell curve which was symmetrical and would give distribution that naturally occurs in situations. With the symmetrical bell shape, this would say the majority of the situations would gather near the middle and fewer of the situation would land in both extremes of the curve. Portions of this curve were divided into standard deviations, and would travel left or right from the center by one standard deviation at a time from the mean.
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