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Observation of Mystery Larvae

Submitted by crmckenzie on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 14:57

This specimen is partially transparent and is long in shape, with a tail that is slightly longer than its body. The creature moves slowly in a slinking motion as if it is about to shed its skin but isn’t. Dark spots, what may be eyes, are centered at the front of the creature’s head. The tail is darker and there is a slight dark line throughout the creature’s body. The creature may not be able to see but can sense its surroundings in same way. It appears to be eating the wooden flakes and they are visible in its torso. The specimen keeps arching its anterior and continues to move in a slinking motion. Whenever the container is moved or the creature can sent a change in environment, the creature freezes and ceases to move for around thirty seconds. The creature prefers the edge of the container and mostly goes around and around and occasionally pokes its anterior upwards and touches the wall, perhaps attempting to escape. The creature moves like an inchworm. The specimen appears to be about 3.5 cm, with the torso being about 1.5 cm and the tail being 2 cm. I would like to know how this creature reacts in warmer and cooler temperatures, and I would also like to know how it would interact with others of its kind. Can it move faster when provoked? Why does it play dead when it senses change? Does this creature bite? Has it finished growing? How does it reproduce? Where are its pain receptors?
