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Methods Draft / Wk. 6 #1

Submitted by lgorman on Mon, 02/26/2018 - 15:25

In the results, Figure 1 refers to the original figure, and Figure 2 refers to the replicate figure. Figure 1 and Figure 2 look somewhat similar, however they bear differences. The differences observed will be sorted in paragraphs, about the labels, photography differences, and differences in part C of the Figures.

When looking at the labels, in Figure 1, the letters are black and have a white square behind them, while in Figure 2 the letters “A” and “B” are in white font, and the letter “C” is in black font. On the same note, the letters are bigger and less tightly organized in Figure 2. In addition to that, the background of Figure 2 is transparent, while the background of the Figure 1 is white. In Figure 1, there is no empty space in between photos A, B, and C. However, in Figure 2, there is white space between photos A and B, and between photos B and C.

Looking at the photos of the plant and flower itself, in Figure 2, the pictures of the plant and of the flower are brighter than Figure 1. In addition to that, Figure 2 is more blue shifted while Figure 1 has warmer tones to the photos. In Figure 2b, the flower is smaller than the flower in Figure 1b. Lastly, in Figure 2a, the top of the flower pot is less cicular than the top of the pot in Figure 1a.

