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Methods draft #3

Submitted by mrmoy on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 22:20

At the top of the panel are the two pictures of the plant taken from the greenhouse. The measurements taken are added to the picture by using a photo editor to draw a reference line with these measurements included. These lines are necessary to give the reader a perspective of the magnitude and size of the flower and plant. The origin map was made on an app called Inkscape and occupies the bottom half of the figure. The map is constructed by starting off with a blank world map, with the individual countries given. From there, the countries that were previously researched are colored in on the blank map. These three figures are put into a 1200 x 1200 pixel google slide, serving as the figure constraints. Each figure was labeled with a unique letter. The final multipanel figure consists of three figures, one picture of the entire plant, one close-up of a flower, and a origin map of the plant.

