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Individual Activities List

Submitted by nchenda on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 15:13

Tuesday (January 30th)

I woke up at 9am and went on with my morning routine.

I walked to my Organic Chemistry 2 class that was from 10 - 11:15 am.

I went to eat with my friends from 11:20 am - 12:45 pm. We usually talk and catch up on our everyday lives when we eat.

I went to my Bio564 class with my friends tagging along even though they don't take the course from 1 - 2:15 pm.

I went back to my dorm to do homework alone and then my friends joined me for a bit. I always play Korean pop music on my speakers leaving my door open. The sun shining through my windows along with the music relaxes me and motivates me to get work done. Doing homework with others also motivates me because then I'm not the only one being productive.

I went to eat with my friends again at 6 - 7:30 pm. Again, we talk and catch each other up on various things. Everyday is different which is what makes it so enjoyable to go eat.

I went back to my dorm to relax and watch Korean dramas or music videos. I made sure I finished whatever assignments I needed to finish by the next day if not get ahead.

I get ready for volleyball at the Recreation Center and take the bus there with friends. I played volleyball with my friends from 9:15 - 11:45 pm.

I went to Roots Cafe with my friends to eat and talk from midnight until 2:30 am. We walked back to our dorms together. I showered and died down.
