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Group Project Methods Draft

Submitted by benjaminburk on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 12:23

The experiment we decided to run is comparison of physical attributes between the campus pond and the nearby puffers pond. The physical attributes we tested were temperature, pH, turbidity, plankton diversity, emergent vegetation, submerged vegetation, water velocity and direct and general biodiversity of surroundings. The temperature was tested by approaching the shore and inserting a the thermometer into the water for 1 minute and recording the resulting temperature after the minute. pH was tested by inserting a pH strip into the water and approximating the pH based on the color that appeared. Turbidity was tested using a homemade secchi disk, which was constructed by attaching a rock covered in tin foil to a piece of string of approximately 3 feet. This homemade disc was then lowered into the water and the length of rope submerged was recorded. Plankton biodiversity was tested using a plankton net and then by taking a 1 mL sample and counting the amount of organism present in the sample. Emergent and submerged vegetation were recorded as present and not present. Water velocity and direction was found by a bottle of water filled up halfway and recording the time it took to travel a set distance. General biodiversity was recorded through descriptions of the vegetation and wildlife seen around the bodies of water.
