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Draft of Structure of Scientific Literature

Submitted by cfellrath on Thu, 02/01/2018 - 11:45

The two articles, Origin matter: widely distributed native and non-native species benefit from different functional traits and Non-native species and rates of spread: lessons from the brackish Baltic Sea, both are similarly structured. The level one heading for each article is the title of the article and the authors who wrote the article. The level two heading are the different parts of the article such as the abstract, introduction, etc. Each section of the articles have an introduction into what the authors will be discussing in that section. At the end of each section there is transition sentence that leads into a new section. Overall, the flow of ideas is smooth and each section is connected even though the paragraphs present different information. The information in each paragraph help present all the points the author is trying to present to the reader. The way each paragraph is constructed is concise with precise language that presents the experiment and the findings of the experiment. 
