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Submitted by lgiron on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 17:55

            There were some very significant differences between my figure and the figure that was replicated of mine. The first significant difference is the size of each image in the multi-panel figure. There was much more space between each image in the replica than in my original. The second noticeable thing was the size of the image themselves. Along with the margins, the size of the images themselves were much larger than in my original which can be effected by the method of which the images were put together. Another major difference was the labeling of each image. There were no labels in the replica image while the original had the images labeled, A, B, and C on the upper left-hand corner of each image.  Smaller differences were notable as well. For example, the angle at which the image was taken. The replica images were at a slight higher angle, this could be due to the height of the person who was making replica. Given the angle, they stood at a much taller stature than me. The orientation of the photograph was different as well, however only in the close-up image. The close-up image taken for the replica was a near 90 degree change in the orientation of the photograph, along with being a direct birds-eye-view as oppose to one off to the side. There was also a different in the range map. Although the same map was used, there were highlighted regions of which the plant does not grow where it has been highlighted in the replica. Along with this, there is a slight difference in the zoom used of this map. 
