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Bio 312 writing

Submitted by michaelkim on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 21:11

If only one pregnant mom and her puppies could be saved, I think that New Guinea singing dog breed should be the breed of dog that should be saved. If you are unsure why this certain breed should be the way to go, this is because they live the longest out of any living dog breeds. And you already know that dog years and human years are not the same meaning that if dogs live 10 years, it is not equivalent to humans living 10 years. New Guinea singing dog breed can live up to 18 years which is really long for dogs. Not only are they one of the rarest dog in the world, but there isn’t too many of them in this world. It is originated from New Guinea and it is well known for its singing howl. 

If we don’t take care of them, they might all die. Just because they are the longest living breed does not mean that they can just be treated without care. There’s no price that can be tagged or placed on them because they are already so rare. Research has shown that they are one of the more friendly and gentle dogs to humans. Not only will this be good to us, but for themselves. I am convinced that saving this breed can be the best solution as scientists can try to figure out a way to breed more of them or come up with a new solution, but at least we know that they are the longest living breeds so it gives us the time to come up with something.
