I read an article titled "Science news: Phsicists to probe BEYOND the beginning of time, before CREATION itself" from Express, an online journal from the UK. It discusses that until now, the beginning of our universe was known as a singularity, or a moment beyond what humans and physics could describe. However, modern physicists claim that this is no longer the case. They believe complicated math and the quantum world cancomprehend phenomena such as black holes and even the creation of the universe. Some of the newly developed formulas are shown in the article. Authors mentioned in the article state that Einstein's General Relativity "predicts its own downfall due to singularities". String theory had been used to study the absence of singularities, however it had its fallbacks. Essentially, this article claims that singularity does not exist, and that becuase of this black holes and cosmology can be studied for their truths.
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